Bonnie Levinson Interior Design & Decorating
Bonnie Levinson is in private collections, homes, offices in Manhattan, East Hampton, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Asheville NC, Aspen, Palm Beach, Nashville, Delray Beach, Lake Worth, Ocean City, Ft. Lee, West Orange NJ and on the Yacht Serena seen in Newport etc.
I welcome the opportunity to work with interior designers, decorators, stagers, collectors and art consultants from all over the country. If you’re interested in collaborating with me, please use the button below to get in touch!

"Beach Day", 36”x36” mixed media with acrylic paint, mica chips, and pen on canvas facing the beach at Sun & Surf.

"Sensuousness of Summer" diptych installed in gracious home in Palm Beach, FL

"Blue Bottle Jellyfish", 24” x 30” mixed media, acrylic, photo transfer, mica chips, sand, thread and broken glass on canvas in living room at Sun & Surf, Palm Beach

"On the Precipice" installed as the centerpiece of entryway at the Boca Raton Innovation Campus (BRIC), Boca Raton FL.

A designer installed this 40" x60" digital photograph on dye infused pigment on aluminum in the living room in a home in Lake Worth, Florida

A collector's home in Delray Beach with a triptych painting --"Rays of Light", "Underwater Dance", "Floating Through Time". 36" x36" each acrylic paint on canvas

"Tulips Collage" in dining room in Palm Beach, FL

Digital Photographs installed in guest room of home in Delray Beach,FL, both archival dye infused pigment on aluminum, "Fiery Rose" (editions of 8) in the corner and "Investigating" 40" x60" (editions of 10)

"Tulips of Puglia", diptych Mixed media installed in luxury condo in Palm Beach, FL

"The Colors of Splendor," 24" x48" Mixed media in four parts on panel, Happily installed in Palm Beach, FL

"Beverly Sills Iris", Mixed Media with acrylic and mica chips on canvas, 36" x36"

"Fragmented Sea" photograph Archival dye infused pigment on aluminum installed in beautifully designed home in Aspen CO

Commissioned for a real estate office space conference room in San Francisco, CA

At a beautiful home in Los Altos, CA

" Hidden Heart" Hall and powder room of Sun & Surf

Alcohol ink paintings on original digital photographs on dye infused pigment on aluminum in Foyer.

Empty Pool, archival dye infused pigment on aluminum digital photograph on the classic yacht Serena

The classic yacht Serena

Uncharted Territory acrylic on Canvas 36" x36" installed on the Upper East Side in Manhattan